Healthy Lives

Our shed stands out from others because we have Sarah, a Practice Nurse, who on a volunteer basis, offers health checks to members at the Shed.

She can advise on long terms conditions and direct you to go to your GP should she find that you have high blood pressure or something that she spots. She has already found 3 guys who had high blood pressure who didn’t know that they had it, and one guy who had Asthma and didn’t know why he was so out of breath. They are all now getting the treatment they require and feel better for it.

The Shed has electric and pedal bikes and are involved in initiatives to help the men get fit and stay fit through cycling.

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Sarah has arranged Healthy Talks such as Prostate Cancer, Bowel Cancer, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm screening and First Aid.

It’s good to be in the know.

Sarah will check your Blood pressure if you wish….

… or take your height and weight and let you know what your Body Mass Index is ( Height to Weight ratio)

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Bob making use of the treadmill as part of his cardiac rehabilitation.


Michael back on the bike again after years. (He used to be a Scottish Champion)